#40: Rick Girard, Founder & CEO of Intertru

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Gut feelings in hiring decisions are a common but flawed approach. Rick Girard's experience in recruitment revealed that many companies often lean on personal biases when selecting or rejecting candidates. This insight led him to create Intertru, a platform leveraging generative AI to promote more objective hiring practices.

Rick's story demonstrates that while technological expertise isn't a prerequisite for developing a stellar product, assembling an exceptional team is crucial—good thing he's nailed down an interviewing methodology for hiring the best of the best.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Rick's journey underscores the importance of full commitment to your venture and maintaining an open mind to feedback and diverse viewpoints throughout the process.


About Rick
Rick Girard is the Founder & CEO of Intertru, an AI-powered platform designed to help hiring managers with method-driven interviewing analytics & insights. He is also the host of Hire Power Radio Show & Podcast—a weekly series on LinkedIn Live. Rick enjoys helping business leaders hire accurately for core value alignment and transferable skills. Over the past 9 years, he’s developed a proven methodology for interviewing that backs decision-making with data & facts over personal biases & opinions. When he’s not helping other founders and business leaders, you can find Rick competing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, surfing, snowboarding, rock climbing, and running with scissors (so dangerous!).

About Intertru
Intertru is a method-driven interviewing accuracy platform that uses AI and HireOS® methodology to ensure that your company hires the strongest people, every time. Their mission: eliminate bad hiring from planet Earth! 

To learn more, visit https://intertru.ai/


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Creators and Guests

#40: Rick Girard, Founder & CEO of Intertru
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